There is nothing short of war that creates more comradery than BOA!
For the first time, we are going to teams of three with each athlete being born in a different decade.
There will be divisions for all male, female and coed (2 Females and 1 Male) or coed (2 Male and 1 Female). RX and Scaled.
Workouts for 2023 season:
Berserker Relay
10 minute AMRAP:
A team member will complete each of the following movements. All three movements must be completed. A different team member for each. Once all three movements are completed they will start over at the beginning and any team member can complete the movement.
20 Cal Bike
20 Cal row
20 Cal Ski
There will also be a Devils Press accumulating as many reps as possible for the duration. Athletes may switch out at any time. The dumbbells must be placed on the ground prior to changing athletes.
Score is total reps.
Male RX 50
Coed RX 35
Female RX 35
Male Scaled 35
Coed Scaled 25
Female Scaled - 25
12 Min Time cap
Each athlete will get a max. All three lifts have to be completed. Only one lift for each athlete. The athlete can make as many attempts as needed. The weight can go up and down. Athletes may attempt the same lift but only one can record a score.
There will be three max lifts.
Bench Press, Snatch and Clean. There will be two bars at each station. There will be a total of 350 LBS to be shared across the team.
Any type of clean is acceptable.
Any type of snatch is acceptable.
The score is the total of each athlete's max lift.
Saw - Floater
Each team will have a pressure treated 4 x 6 post section and a new 20" hand saw. Example
With a 8-minute time cap each member of the team will make a cut through the post.
There will be a designated spot for an athlete to lay the handsaw prior to the next athlete starting.
Score is the combined time that it takes for all four members of the team to make a full cut.
Gymnastics Ladder
10 Mins
This is an ascending then descending rep sequence. 2-4-6-8-10-12-10-8-6-4-2………. Athletes can pick the movements they will perform. All athletes are not required to do each movement.
Start with two reps of each movement then go up by two reps each round until the round of 12 then the ladder goes back down. Only two reps must be completed in the first round for each movement and can be done by any teammate. One athlete works at a time with exception of holding the D - Ball. The D-ball must be held by one team member for any reps to count.
The reps must go unbroken for all movements except for double unders.
The double unders are a buy-in to each round.
A set of 25 double unders must be completed by a team mate in order to advance to the next round. If the set of 25 double unders is broken then that same athlete may attempt again at the 25 or another athlete may attempt the 25 to advance to the next round.
If an athlete breaks on a round then that athlete is out and the team will continue without that athlete.
Score is total reps. If the team completes the full ladder then every second that remains on the clock will become a rep.
RX - Movements will go in this order.
25 Dubs buy in each round.
Thrusters - 95 Male RX - 75 Mixed RX - Female RX 65
Pull ups
KB Swings - 53, 44, 35, 26
D-Ball weight - Male RX - 100 Mixed RX - 75 Female RX - 75
25 Single each round
Thruster - Male - 75, Mixed - 55. Female - 45
Ring Rows - Broken will be when chest does not reach the rings or midline breaks down. There will be a marker on the floor below the pull up bar that the heels may not go behind.
Wall Balls - RX 14#/20# 9’/10’ Mixed RX 20# and 9’/10’ Scaled 10#/14# 9’/10’ Mixed Scaled 14# and 9’/10’
Knee Tucks
D - Ball weight - Male scaled 75 Mixed scaled 75 Female Scaled 50